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Gunmen rob, attempt to rape victim
We ain't come fuh that'- accomplice

Pearl Bruce, a 28-year-old mother and resident of Prashad Nagar, was startled out of her sleep at around 04:00 hours yesterday by two armed, masked men who robbed her of about $60,000 in cash and a quantity of jewellery, in the process attempting to rape her.


According to the woman, recounting the incident some six hours after the ordeal, she and her three-year-old son were asleep in the front room of her three-bedroom, lot 396 Canje Street, Prashad Nagar home, when she was aroused by a cold object bracing her face.

The object, she would later realise, was a gun, which was held firmly by a masked man, who ordered her to tell him where all of her money and jewellery were.

According to the woman, fearing for her life and for her son, she unhesitatingly told them where to find the items.

The bandits' booty, the woman said, consisted of about $60,000 in cash, an L6 cellular phone, a perfume collection and several pieces of jewellery, including her wedding ring.

However, the items appeared not to be enough, according to Bruce, since the gunmen began asking about her husband's whereabouts.

Insisting that she was alone, Bruce said that she informed the men that her husband is in the United States.

According to the woman, her husband, John Bruce, has been in the US for about three years now and does not have any problem with anybody.

After learning that her husband was overseas, the woman said, the men started asking for US currency, even as they started asking her for the keys to a bike, which she claimed to have no knowledge of.

This has since led Bruce to believe that the men may have mistakenly entered the wrong home.

By this time, the woman said, her son had awakened and, overwhelmed by the threatening presence of the men, began screaming, much to the dismay of the bandits, who ordered her to ‘shut him up.'

The men continued to question her about the bike, the woman said, even as one threatened to rape her as he removed her underwear and started to fondle her.

However, the other bandit intervened, according to Bruce, reminding his colleague, ‘We ain't come fuh that; leh we search fuh wat we come fuhDon't trouble she, we ain't got the time.'

The entire episode, according to Bruce, lasted for about half an hour. Meanwhile, the men realised they could not find the bike they were asking about.

As soon as the gunmen left the home, Bruce said, she attempted to call the police but discovered that the men had disconnected her telephone line. They had already removed the fuses from the panel that was installed outside the back door.

Anxious to get assistance, the woman said, she grabbed her son and the two started to run to the home of a neighbour.

It was during this time, the woman said, that she observed the men approaching a white car and motorbike which were parked up the street.

The men in the car started heading towards her, threatening to shoot if she did not abandon whatever she was contemplating and return to her home.

But she and her son kept running and screaming all the way to the neighbour's home, where a 911 call was made.

However, this, along with several other calls to secure police assistance, proved futile. This futility prompted the neighbour to drive to the police station and collect police ranks.

A police officer informed the neighbour that the 911 number was not working, thus the failure to contact them.

According to Bruce, the police, after asking several questions about the incident, told her that she should report to the Kitty Police Station later in the morning.

She did so at around 09:00 hours yesterday, but was told that she would have to wait for a fingerprint officer to screen her home. These specialist ranks arrived later in the morning.

The home is fairly secure because the gunmen failed to enter through the front. They, however, used the back stairs, removing the fuses and the louvers from a window that was not properly secured and entering the house.

Once inside, they opened the back door.

During their escape in the car and on the motorcycle, a neighbour spotted the men and discharged some rounds in their direction.

Police are continuing their investigation into the matter, and according to Bruce, she will not be staying in the house until it is more secured.

Related Links:

1. One of the gunmen lifted up her blouse and brassiere and started to hold her exposed breasts.

2. Pregnant woman raped - Bandit used some oil to lubricate himself. He then covered her face with a sheet and sexually assaulted her vaginally and anally. She said the doctor's examination revealed that she had suffered cuts and bruises.

Saturday 09-08-2007